There are some basic test taking tips that can be adapted to any test you must take. For instance, before taking any test you should get enough rest so that your mind is functioning best. You must also feed the brain cells with a light, high-protein meal that gives your brain the energy needed to function. Arrive early to the test to get comfortable and relaxed and calm your nerves. Pack the materials you need the night before so you aren’t stressed looking for your Number 2 pencil or eraser. Don’t forget to load fresh batteries in any calculator you are using.
Don’t forget that your mind is a very powerful instrument. If you are able to relax and have a positive attitude about the test you’ll go a long way toward getting the best grade you are able.
Before you take any test preview the questions. Look for the easy questions and answer them first. Mark the harder questions and go back to them when you are finished with the rest of the test. Don’t be caught by the idea that you must answer each question in order. Depending upon the teacher you may find the answers to the first questions in the question toward the end of the test.
Budget your time when you take test the test. Answer questions that are valued higher first and those with the lowest point later. In some cases you might want to write down the most important points to questions and then go back to fill in the blanks later. This helps you to remember salient points and fill in more information.
Check your work once you have answered all the questions. Double check for completeness and correctness of the answers you give. Science tests notoriously have information later in the test that help answer earlier questions, but do not second guess yourself. Don’t ever change your answers unless you are very sure of the new answer.
If you don’t know the answer, don’t worry about it or get frustrated. Know the rules to the test before you take it so you can choose to either guess on an answer or skip it entirely. For instance, some test rules say that the student isn’t penalised if they leave the answer blank and other tests don’t penalise for guessing. Know the rules before you take the test.
When you consider each individual question take them as a four step process. Read the question closely and don’t infer any information. Look for keywords and make a mess of the questions if you can. Mark out the answers that are wrong and narrow it down to two.
Don’t jump to answers immediately, take a few seconds to consider your choices. Eliminate the answers you know are wrong and pick the best remaining answer. Your job isn’t to be able to see the right answer immediately but to throw out the most unlikely answers and choose the best one available.